Rockie S.


I am Rockie, a 15 year old fitness freak from India. Bodybuilding is my favorite hobby. A year ago just before I started I looked like a skeleton, I wasn't really picked upon in school but I was often made fun of because of my frame. I weighed a mere 105 lbs! That's when I decided to try bodybuilding and I'm hooked on to it ever since. I've been one of the most regulars at the gym and even though I'm the youngest guy lifting weights there, I'm one of the stronger ones.

For me all my dedication, motivation and intensity has given me great results, my arms went from 9.5' to almost 15', my weight went from 105 lbs to 151 lbs! not to mention other dramatic gains.

Bodybuilding just brings out the real person within you so for those who are not lifting yet no matter what u look like currently you should try bodybuilding, it will revolutionalize your life, trust me.

I'm here to help other teenagers like me and hope for their (and my) best.


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